Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bob Kayli: "Hold Pearl enabled"

(Written by George Gordy and Robert Gordy)

Robert Gordy-"Bob Kayli" – was the founder of the Berry Gordy Jr Motown's youngest brother, and this was his fourth record; it would have been more than a year since Bob's last version, small, Sad Sam on a flat, boring someone else's unfunny parody yet another person's hit record and Hold On Pearl recitation of his last bow by artist than.

This is really rubbish, although. Jaunty, repeating novelty rock song ("comedy" clearly displayed with some starting from the beginning of the winsome cowbells) about Bob's girlfriend, a diamond "Lucy Pearl", which keeps the risk and gain the life-threatening "laughing like mad", cause our hero called title as he comes to his rescue ("IT is your Bob-/for you coming!")

The whole thing is poorly acted, and poorly-Sung (screaming high notes, finally, Bob will lose all control and screeching at the top of his voice probably should be a fun their badness, but I'm really does this shit mood today).

Chorus is actually rather annoyingly catchy, even if Bob mugging, just to get through it hopes to laugh as some Cheap third-rate arm-comedian, but the goodwill that is limited to the stupid lyrics (is one of the stage, when the narrator takes the Pearl has fallen to the death of the cliff edge – I know, is a fun, fun stuff, but stay with me – his reaction is "My heart was heavy, was Feelin'" sad ").

Oh, and it is, before I even really dreadful following: our hero emerge almost hukkuvan – or, as the case may be, it is hard to actually drowning to know – and so the music just suddenly cuts for a couple of seconds underwater is replaced by the gurgling, which has been flushed THE TOILET sounds.

Whether the music in the world more painful than the unfunny comedy record? In particular, one like, sung by the amiable enough palpably nice guy that bloke, deep down, you really only wants to make you smile? He does not succeed, not even a flicker, and ends as Bob Kayli, recording artist and an asterisk in the projected career training of comedy. [2] [3] He settled much in terms of the role as Robert Gordy, vital Motown-administrator, company, and sometimes actor Jobete head and make more records than ever again (even if one of the more comedy track (not always Room For), Love In A Movie, surface water, A Cellarful Of Motown!Drive 3;have any of the one part, and the 1990 's excruciating).

This was originally scheduled to come out, but the Tamla t 54062 last-minute change (appropriately enough) the title of the list of Gordy, saw the number to go unused. vocals, astonishingly, did not finish – Little Lisa suffered ignominy to see her only one, in spite of the great stock Motown increase material, VIP in 1965 published my gender is a reverse-version has improved with age. [1] [2] it is not.

Jaunty, catchy chorus is almost the (almost) enough for me to knock this top notch (bam!), but as a matter of fact, to make it cannot be imported.Even if grudgingly avustussyistä Hold On Pearl maybe not quite as terrible as the Small Sad Sam, we can only speak the relative degrees of risk there provided for you here, and this is a terrible deserve nothing more than a bare minimum.Sorry, Bob, but this is Crap.


* * * * * * * * * *

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